Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cant get it out of my head!

OK So I just finished the last series of Twilight and I am still not done thinking about how great the Twilight series I was browsing a bit on the net and came across this website that has a trailer for the movie...and at first when I saw the trailers for the movie...I really didn't like the actors they chose and well...I guess I just didn't like the actors they chose...Here is the website if ya wanna check out the trailer and get a little bit more excited about the movie... .
And if ya want to watch a clip of the movie when she is at the dance studio with James...
Oh I just got more excited to look forward to the movie... LOL I'm such a nerd! K well I just loved this book! Thats all...

1 comment:

Tiff said...

Heather- I never read the series. Holly told me all about it but I guess I should just do it!!!! You make it sound great!! This is Kathy and I think I will be identified under Tiff's name because I am on her computer in Memphis!

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